Bonjour à tous,

Here we are, almost in the middle of the year and I am delighted to address you for this new edition.

2023 is still the year of the recovery for the aerospace industry even if the sector is still facing crucial challenges, starting with inflation, difficulties of recruitment, dealing with soaring costs and shortages of raw materials and finally securing funding for the ramp-up.

To stay at the forefront of innovation, our companies are following the path of a greener aviation through digital transformation and sustainability road map, keeping in mind the motto for 2023 and 2024: resilience and sovereignty.

We are very pleased to introduce our two new members: Dynamic Aerospace Fabrications and Silcoms and you will find in the next section more information on these companies and other industry news.

Aircraft Interiors Expo Hamburg and Paris Airshow Le Bourget are just around the corner and our member companies will be glad to connect on these occasions.

The Toulouse team is also thrilled to confirm the date of the ADS Toulouse Annual Event to be held on Thursday, October 12th! We will be sharing with you more information very soon with a Save the Date invitation early July.


Marie Margaux Honikman
ADS Toulouse Director

ADS Toulouse Newsletter – May 2023